Clark County


Clark County IDGenWeb is a free genealogical site about the history of the Idaho county. It is a member of IDGenWeb, which is a member of USGenWeb®. We hope you find helpful clues for your research of Clark County ancestors.

Are you familiar with the area? Do you have a family tree connection to the area? Please consider contributing your pieces of Clark County family history. Corrections, updates, and additions to this site are always welcome. Our combined efforts can make this a great site for all who visit!

County Coordinator: YOU? Clark County IDGenWeb is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION.
If you are interested in helping, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Temporary County Coordinator: Norma Hass

State Coordinator: Kerry Hairston


Clark County was established February 1, 1919, from the parent county of Fremont, encompassing a total land area of 1,764 square miles. Clark County was named in honor or Sam K. Clark, an early settler on Medicine Lodge Creek. He became the first State Senator from Clark County.

The County Seat is Dubois, named for United States Senator Fred T. Dubois, who served as a Republican Senator from 1891-1897, and then a Democratic Senator from 1901-1907.

Spencer, the second largest town in Clark County was named for Hiram H. Spencer, shipper and President of Ogden Rapid Transit. Spencer had property in the Jefferson District (2555 Jefferson) in Ogden, Utah, was also manager of the Eccles Lumber Company, and a Vice-president of Amalgamated Sugar.

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This page was last updated 03/23/2025